Herzlich Willkommen beim Strophanthus e.V.

Hilfe für Ihr Herz. Das Naturheilmittel Strophanthin, oder Ouabain, wie es in der englischen Literatur oft genannt wird, hilft einem gestressten und erkrankten Herzen. Es stabilisiert es und hält den Menschen fit und gesund. Es ist ein Skandal, dass die moderne Medizin dieses wunderbare Heilmittel vergessen hat und völlig ignoriert! Unser Ziel ist es, Strophanthin für zukünftige Generationen zu erhalten.

Wenn Sie Strophanthin-Neuling sind, steigen Sie unbedingt in die Patientenkurzberichte ein, auch unter Anwendungsgebiete finden Sie einige ausführlichere Patientenberichte.  Dann lesen Sie weiter  „Über Strophanthin“.  Verlieren Sie sich nicht auf dieser riesigen Homepage, lesen Sie hauptsächlich das, was Sie wirklich auch interessiert. Es geht immerhin oft um Leben und Tod. Hier der Link zu den „Häufige Fragen“. Hier die Seite „Artikel“ mit guten Zusammenfassungen des Themas Strophanthin.

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Bitte wählen Sie Ihr Thema aus dem Menü aus:

Join us or help

Declaration of membership and statutes

We ask you to join our association. Because only then there is a mouthpiece, a platform that can occur publicly effective. Strophanthin must not get lost! Help us.

To become a member, send the printed and signed entry form to the 1st Chairman. Wieland Debusmann, as he currently represents the treasurer, Mr. Marcus Knobloch. Address: Dr. med. Wieland Debusmann, Am Ölberg 36, 96450 Coburg or by mail (scan or photo) to strophanthus.ev@gmail.com.


Please note the note on the privacy policy. Declaration of membership (please print and fill in the form)

Send signed to Dr. Wieland Debusmann statute

By submitting a message or the declaration of membership or a donation, you confirm that you have read and accepted the privacy policy.    

Members receive telephone advice at any time from the chairman of the association, Dr. med. Wieland Debusmann.   Donate:


As an association, we depend on membership fees and donations to receive the beneficial Strophanthin for humanity. You can support our work in addition to the membership fee with a donation, the contribution is freely selectable. After completing the donation via the button, you have an email directly in the mailbox with confirmation of the donation. Alternatively, you can also donate directly by bank transfer: IBAN: DE35 5205 0353 0215 0118 39 BIC: HELADEF1KAS A donation receipt is not necessary up to 200 Euro per year, it is enough for your bank statement. If you donate more than 200 euros a year, you will of course receive a donation receipt.  

We thank you for joining in and contributing to the comeback of this wonderful, proven heart remedy.

With a little contribution you can help us safe Strophanthin. Join us. Click here for more information.

This is us:

On 02.11.2013, the following people gathered to form the Strophanthus e.V.
(Strophanthin Rescue Association):

Dr. Wieland Debusmann, Am Ölberg 36, 96450 Coburg, Tel. 0171 3457322

Michael Hans Timmermanns, Römerstr. 7, 87463 Dietmannsried, Tel. 08374 9849

Stefan Timmermanns

Helga Höltz, Lucas-Cranach-Str. 1, 69126 Heidelberg, Tel. 06221 728530,
Mobile 0175 8475230

Dr. Norbert Brand, Rosenbacher Strasse 13, 91080 Marloffstein, Tel. 0911
756 579 14

Jens Boving, Marktplatz 18, D-73479 Ellwangen, Tel. 07961 2582

Marcus Knobloch, Dachsbergstrasse 3, 34225 Baunatal, Tel. 01577 7840556

The team since October 2017:
As the first chairman, Dr. Ing. Wieland Debusmann has been chosen
because of his vast experience with strophanthin. He himself maintains many
contacts to  physicians, who know and prescribe strophanthin.

Key points
for his curriculum vitae: Born 3.4.1942 in Memel, East Prussia Both parents
doctors High school graduation in Traben Trarbach 1962 Studied medicine in
Homburg / Saar started, then changed to dentistry State examination with
„very good“ Doctoral Thesis med. dent. Own practice in Coburg
from 1971 to 2008. 1984 heart attack and first „study“ of
strophanthin Hobbies: two dogs, sailing, jogging, archeology. Divorced,
three daughters.

Dr. Lutz
Riedel as 2nd Chairman.

Dr. Wieland
Debusmann kommisarischer treasurer of the association.

Advisory Board: For scientific questions Norbert Brand (head of the
company Maros, producer of g and k strophanthin tincture) and the
pharmacist Jens Boving available.


association is recognized by the tax office Coburg as a non-profit and
registered at the District Court of Coburg.   For this you should
consider entering the club for solidarity reasons. Without joint efforts,
it is to be feared that strophanthin will be lost more and more. To do
this, open the menu item „Join / Donate“.

A short
initial telephone consultation for interested in strophanthinhin is free.
Members of Strophanthus e.V. Debusmann at any time a free telephone
consultation. For this he is in the morning from 9:30 clock under 0171
3457322 reachable. However, he can not issue a prescription. Also, his
advice does not replace the visit of a competent therapist.



IBAN: DE35 5205 0353 0215 0118 39