Welcome to Strophanthus e.V.

Help to your heart. The natural remedy strophanthin, or ouabain, as it is often called in English literature, helps a stressed and diseased heart. It stabilizes it and keeps us fit and healthy. It is a scandal that modern medicine will forget about this wonderful cure! Our goal is to preserve strophanthin for future generations.

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Literature and links

Prof. Agostoni PG et al.: Long-term use of k-strophanthin in advanced congestive heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy: a douple-blind crossover evaluation versus digoxin. Clinical Cardiology 17: 536-541, 1994

On the homepage of Rolf Petry you will find lots of information about Ouabain in English.

Here you will find a lot of support for the myogenic cause
of heart failure, Angina pectoris and heart infarction. http://www.infarctcombat.org

Prof. Giorgio Baroldi: u. Malcoml D. Silver: The Etiopathogenesis of Coronary Heart Disease: A Heretical Theory Based on Morphology. Dies ist das Lebenswerk des mailänder Herzspezialisten und Anatoms Prof. Baroldi. Er beweist darin, dass auch andere Ursachen in Betracht kommen können als die übliche Vorstellung der Einengung der Koronararterien.

A very good description from Canada by Lyra Nara from Dr. Christine Siepe.

Dr. Fuerstenwerth:  Rethinking
Heart Failure

 Dr. Fuerstenwerth: “Ouabain, the insulin of the heart”.

 Dr. Fuerstenwerth: PubMed Abstract 

 Dr. Fuerstenwerth: “On the Diffrenences Between Ouabain and Digitalis Glycosides”

Dr. Fuerstenwerth:  Ouabain – a gift from paradise

 Video by
Dr. Fuerstenwerth regarding his project “Cornavita” with best
arguments for Strophanthin (Oubain)

The Encycopedia of Medical
Breakthroughts and Forbidden Treatments
. For
Strophanthin, see page 87 ff.

A patient in Egypt send me this ebook. Password
for opening the book: 00263443 

 Prof. Hamlyn JM et al.: Identification and characterization of a ouabain-like compound from human plasma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 88: 259, 1991

 Prof. D’Urso: Cardioprotection by ouabain and digoxin in perfused rat hearts.

Bauer Natali, Jochen Müller-Ehmsen, Ulrike Krämer, Njde Hambarchian, Carsten Zobel, H.G.Schwinger, Horst Neu, Ulrike Kirch, Ernst-Günther Grünbaum & Wilhelm Schoner (Giessen): Ouabain-like compound changes rapidly on physical exercise in humans and dogs. Hypertension 45: 1024-28, 2005

 Gao J et al.: Isoform-specific stimulation of cardiac Na/K pumps by nanomolar concentrations of glycosides. Journal of General Physiology 119: 297-312, 2002

Clausen: Acute Stimulation of Na/K Pump by Cardiac Glycosides in Nanomolar Range

Marchetti GV et al.: Blood levels and tissue distribution of 3H-ouabain administered per os. Arzneimittelforschung 21: 1399-1403, 1971

Marzo A, Ghirardi P & Marchetti G: The absorption, distribution and excretion of k-strophantoside-H in guinea pigs after parenteral administration. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapy 189: 185-193, 1974

Leuschner J & Winkler A: Toxicological studies with ouabain. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Archives of Pharmacology 363 (4) Suppl.: 139, abstract 544, 2001

Kitano S et al.: Exogenous Ouabain is accumulated in the adrenals and mimics the kinetics of endogenous digitalis-like-factor in rats. Hypertension Research 21: 47-56, 1998

 Greenberger NJ et al.: Intestinal absorption of six tritium-labeled digitalis glycosides in rats and guinea pigs. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapy 167: 265-273, 1969

Aperia, Anita: 2011 Homer Smith Award: To serve and protect: Classic and novel roles for Na+K+ Adenosine Triphosphatase

A really good and competent Article from Jeffrey Dach MD, Florida : https://jeffreydachmd.com/2014/08/preventing-heart-attacks-ouabain/

 Article:    what causes heart attacks

Dr. Cowan has written an new book on heart disease treatement, especially by Ouabain (Strophanthine). He was intrviewt by Dr. Mercola and an article postet on mercola.com on December 18, 2016.  Homepage: https://fourfoldhealing.com/ 

Here the link to a video on you tube: Cause and Prevention of Heart Attacks. A speech from Thomas Cowan, given at the Freedom Law School in California 2009.


Heartening stories of patients regarding Strophanthin, sent by Dr. Cowan


Sroka: Artikel im Journal of Cardiology and Clinical Practive aus 2020.
                      OUABAIN – A Drug for Treatment of COVID-19


HRV Task Force of The European Society of Cardiology

 J. Thomas Bigger: RR Varability to Predict Mortality After Myocardial Infarction

Here you
can see the experimental results of the most famous
Prof. Dr. Manfred von Ardenne.

he consented the ideas of Dr. Berthold Kern concerning Strophanthin. One of
the most impressing experiments, he made some hundreds, was the


Dr Moser, a profund expert on Strophanthin, translated it in English.

Cardiac Infarction  A very good article, written by Dr. Rainer Moser.

Dr. Fürstenwerth: On the Differences Between Ouabain and Digitalis Glycosides.
      PubMed Abstract

Dr. Fürstenwerth “Ouabain, the insulin of the heart”.

Dr. Fürstenwerth: Ouabain, the key to cardioprotections. Erschienen im Am.J.Ther. 2014 Sept-Okt 21 (5): 395-402

Dr. Fürstenwerth: Ouabain and Endogenous ouabain – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Cardiac Glycosides? British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 8 (5): 477-484, 2015. Article no. BJMMR.2015.470.

 Dr. Fürstenwerth: Rethinking heartfailure

Lichtstein, David u.a: Reduction in maternal circulating Ouabain impairs offspring growth and kidney development. 2014 by the American Society of Nephrology.

Lichtstein, David: Experimantal study: Augmentation of Ouabain-Induced Increase in Heart Muscle Contractility by Akt
Inhibitor MK-2206

Cardiac Infarction by Dr. Rainer Moser.

R.-J. Petry Ouabain


Ouabain (g-Strophanthin) “Milk for the ageing heart”. Article by Dr. A. Kracke, Naturopath. Semmelweis-Institut, Verlag für Naturheilkunde Germany. 69/2004.


 Nesher, Lichtstein: Ouabain attenuates cardiotoxicity induced by other cardiac steroids

 Lichtstein: Identification of digitalis‐like compounds (= Strophanthin !) in human cataractous lenses – European Journal of Biochemistry

 Here you will have the article of A.G. McKenzie, file:///C:/Users/debus/Downloads/The_rise_and_fall_of_Strophanthin.pdf

former anästhesist. He like many other doctors can not understand that Strophanthin has fallen, because it is was so good in helping to get safety for operations.


The best homepage regarding heart attack and Strophanthin is that of Dr. Knut Sroka. It is so good, it could even be helpful for doctors! His main therapie-tool for heart deseases is Ouabain. He explains it in the menupoint FAQ, there point number 10.